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Podcast Appearance Tonight

August 12, 2015

At 2100 tonight (CST), I will be appearing on the Spearhead Transmission podcast, out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I honestly don’t know fuck-all about the podcast, or the two dudes who run it. I only have a general outline of the conversational path. We’ll see how it goes. Feel free to listen in, maybe I’ll say something profound (it’s more likely I’ll say something really fucking stupid though……)

Spearhead Transmission Podcast:

Their Facebook Page:

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  1. RangerRick permalink

    You will do well, I have been on several over the past few years, its OK. Prayers sent, hugs to the family, RangerRick

  2. Wes permalink

    Says they talk about Armageddon plump booties and the illuminati, this should be interesting.

  3. kapg permalink

    “Spearhead Transmission-Two Extremely Handsome Dudes Discuss Armageddon, Plump Booties, Illuminati, and All Current News They Find Interesting”

    Hippies…this aught to be entertaining.

    Don’t smoke anything with em John, watch ur drink and don’t take any ‘aspirin’ they offer.

  4. Nick permalink

    Show from last night with Interviews of John Mosby from the Mountain Guerrilla Blog​ and Chris, El’ Presidente of RISE Armament​. We talk about my lawn and the shit steering wheel on my mower, guns, fitness, shooting, survival, prepping, tribes, chopping peoples heads off, drones scoping 17yo babes, more tribes and streetlights…. Its a good en’.

  5. strathconagroup permalink

    I actually liked it. They seemed like nerds and they were crossed between buck fever and being star f$ckers, but John is very entertaining and straight forward.

    • Nick permalink

      Haha! I’m no nerd!

      And to continue this perceived internet crush on John, I think he has been my favorite guest we had on the show.

  6. Shocktroop0351 permalink

    Good job on the interview John, but after listening to the rest of the show they missed your emphasis on “customs, traditions and values” defining a tribe. They try to define a tribe without realizing that they are themselves the beginnings of a tribe. Keep up the great work and looking forward to your next book.

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