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From the Library

August 5, 2019

Tactical Firearms Training Secrets by David Morris

I came across this a few weeks ago, when my buddy Greg Ellifritz mentioned it in an article on his Active Response Training blog. Greg had some good things to say about it, so I checked it out. It’s been a couple weeks now, since I read it, and having had time to digest it, I’ve got to say I was underwhelmed.

There were a couple of basic drills in it that were okay, but they were the same general drills available in most references and classes. A lot of the material in the book however, relied on obsolete research data that has been refuted by more recent research. I haven’t, to the best of my knowledge, read any of Mr. Morris’ other work, but this one left me unimpressed. It’s probably legitimately a solid reference for new shooters, or those new to combative shooting, but there was a whole lot that I came across that was just wrong. I can’t recommend it.

(That having been said, keep in mind, I’ve written a book on combative pistol shooting and training, so I may be unreliably biased.)

Defensive Tactics by Loren Christensen

A reader sent me a copy of this, and asked me to venture an opinion on it. I’ve read a lot of Christensen’s books, over the last couple of decades. I was pretty impressed with most of what I read from him, at least until he partnered up with Grossman.

That having been said, there’s nothing inherently WRONG with the techniques and methods described in this book. As team defensive tactics, for controlling suspects, there’s a lot of validity to them, in my experience and observation. That having been said, the inherent problem with a lot of LE DT methods, is they tend to be predicated on the idea that a cop isn’t supposed to be getting into a wrasslin’ match with a suspect all by his lonesome. Like most DT, the ones taught here work best—most efficiently and effectively against someone who doesn’t really know what he’s doing, isn’t particularly motivated, and/or has his reflexes and physical attributes impaired. They also work best—most efficiently and effectively—when there are two or three dudes wrasslin’ one dude to the ground, to put him in cuffs.


Combative Shotgun by Mike Boyle

I’ve long acknowledged that I’m not a shotgun guy, by choice. A few years ago, I took the time to do a deep-dive into the shotgun, and gained a moderate level of ability with it. I’ve spent more time since then, incorporating it into my ongoing practice regimen, in order to improve the skill I have, and to increase it.

The last book on the shotgun I read—and the only other one on my shelves currently—is Mas Ayoob’s Stressfire II. That having been said, as I explained in this week’s article for $5 Patreon subscribers, the shotgun is not a really complex weapon to operate. There’s not a lot of specialized knowledge in running one. The biggest issue is ammunition management and keeping the beast fed. Mr. Boyle’s book, as is to be expected (I don’t know him, but we have mutual friends), is a solid look at the current applications of the shotgun in the anti-personnel role. Recommended.

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  1. harmon wolf permalink

    Have you read Fry the Brain by John West? I thought it pretty good, definitely enlightening to learn the various techniques of insurgent urban snipers. I thought the part about the troubles in Ireland was particularly good–particularly the use of auxiliaries and teams of specialists to defeat sophisticated forensics of the British. The part on remote operated rifles was interesting too–meshing into a discussion on drones that you alluded to in your other post. Anyway, I saw it was on Ellfritz’s reading list.

    Similarly, opinions on Resistance to Tyranny by Martino, if you’ve read it?

  2. I received shipment notice two weeks ago for the new book and still haven’t received it. Is there any way to track it?

    • Check your email. My helper shipped books while I was caretaking my mother at the hospital. Apparently, she messed up some orders. I’m working on getting those sorted out. I apologize.

  3. unreconstructedgordo permalink

    I was taught by the last sword saint I know of personally ; Louis Awerbuck RIP , the art of the SG over a period of more than a decade. Tho I can run many different venues of it I still prefer a Police 870 12ga . over all others. I prefer slugs basically and my rile sighted 18″ barreled tuned Police (they were made on a special assembly line a Remington in the past , thru the 90s at least) 870 plays like a fine violin for me. I don’t need super magnum slugs either, Remington Managed Recoil 1 .0z at 1200 fps works fine to 100 yards angainst any humans . And for me that is what the SG is all about : a .75″ howitzer for up to 75 yard work . I don’t worry about body armor and Louis taught me to be a threat to faces to 75 yards which I have not seen sufficient armor yet for a slug . I was taught hostage rescue shots under pressure by Louis to 25 yards in advanced courses. That said yes a good carbine is probably better all around , if I was dropped into some hellish conditions a carbine load out is what I would want, but around the homestead a short handy unloaded chamber 870 is very hard to beat for defense .

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