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Fundamentals of Auxiliary Organization

March 7, 2013

I often see bravado-laden posts on internet forums, composed by those who have begun to realize that their ability to potentially run-and-gun with a paramilitary guerrilla force, if they ever existed, were lost somewhere in the hazy past of memories of drinking, chasing girls, and watching television. These posts tend towards the melodramatic, along the lines of, “I can still pull a trigger once or twice, and that’s all you need!” In light of the ignorance, however apparently noble, of these virtual gestures, I offer Mosby’s Maxim #938, “If you can’t be a G, be the Auxiliary.”

The Appleseed Project’s question, “Rifleman or Cook?” with its implication that that being anything less than a heart-breaking, life-taking, knuckle-dragging, soul-stealing, mankiller of a gunslinger, is obviously inferior, is a demonstration of ignorance of the reality of armed conflict, both now and throughout history. The fighting force of an insurgency is just one element of the resistance, and arguably the least important.

The modern United States military has a massive tooth-to-tail ratio. I’ve seen credible sources, throughout my career and since, that range from 1:20 to 1:100. Regardless of the specific numbers, it’s indicative of the overwhelming support echelons necessary to keep fighters in the fight. While this is often derided by armchair commando, who like to incorrectly, point out that historical resistance movements didn’t have the “luxury” of a support network, the reality is, no historical or modern unconventional force has ever succeeded without a large, organized support network. This organization is referred to as the auxiliary. If your organization, whether a local community defense group, or an actual paramilitary guerrilla force training to resist the further encroachment of our natural rights, does not possess an organized auxiliary, you are, in a word, fucked.

The auxiliary is most simply defined as that part of the population that supports the aims of the resistance, and participates in the resistance through active, willing, support activities for the guerrilla force or the subversive underground. The auxiliary is composed of part-time volunteers who have value to the resistance largely because of their position within the community. This is because the support activities of the auxiliary should most often be limited to those activities that can be explained by their normal activities (for example, a machinist would provide support by manufacturing weapons parts or weapons, not by suddenly trying to score a black market shipment of medical supplies from a smuggler. A physician however, might very well be able to explain his need for those medical supplies through his occupation, rather than trying to procure a new 5-axis milling machine, even if he was a hobby machinist).

It is critical that no one ever make the mistake of thinking of the auxiliary as a separate or, God forbid, an inferior organization. Rather, the auxiliary should be considered, and treated, as members of the network who simply fulfill a different role. The fact is, in many ways, the auxiliary not only plays a more important role, but its members are often at the greatest risk of compromise, capture, and death. Auxiliary members continue their role in the “normal” daily life of their community. This means that some of their activities must be performed “after hours,” leading to sleep deprivation and increased stress which can lead to self-compromise through slips of the tongue, or being in a place they shouldn’t be, at a time they shouldn’t be. The auxiliary is the easiest arm of a resistance to infiltrate, due to their proximity to their neighbors, and the need to bring more people into the auxiliary for certain mission requirements. Additionally, the auxiliary is often used as a testing arena for potential recruits to the guerrilla force and/or the subversive underground, meaning agents of the regime will be in contact with the auxiliary far more often than with the guerrilla force or the underground.

The auxiliary is normally organized to correlate with, or parallel, the existing political administration. This is NOT the “shadow government,” however. Instead, this means that each auxiliary cell is responsible for its neighborhood, community, town, county, or state. This is ideal, because it means that the members of the auxiliary are intimately familiar with the physical and human terrain of their operational area. They know, or should know, who sympathizes with the resistance, and who are closet collaborators. On the other hand, this also increases the potential exposure of the auxiliary members, especially in small communities, or tightly-connected neighborhoods, where it is normal for “everyone to know everyone’s business.”

Security for auxiliary networks is primarily derived from two different methods: compartmentalization, and operating under cover. The reality is, the second of these is the most important. Members of the auxiliary should always be able to explain away their activities, easily and fluidly, by their normal daily activities. A machinist stockpiling bar stock that he may later be able to turn into suppressors? A physician with stored antibiotics? A farmer with extra feed corn for his animals? A police officer who accidentally misplaces one magazine of 9mm or 5.56mm ammunition every time he goes to the qualification range? A truck driver who happens to have his “brother-in-law/cousin/old high school buddy” riding with him on his route? A teenager skateboarding down his street that happens to front the security force offices?

Beyond having a readily explicable cover for auxiliary activities, it is important to compartmentalize auxiliary operations. There are two basic types of cellular structures in resistance organizations that have historically been proven to work: parallel cells and cells-in-series (sounds like some science fair shit, huh?). Parallel cells generally perform the same task, providing multiple sources for whatever service those cells provide. Parallel cells gathering intelligence information may be a way to ensure that at least one cell manages to get accurate information out on enemy activity. Parallel communications cells may provide secondary and tertiary ways to ensure that critical information makes it to the guerrilla force or underground.

Cells-in-series however, provide a division of labor for the accomplishment of functions, such as manufacturing, evasion networks, propaganda distribution, and logistics disbursement. In a cells-in-series organization, the tasks assigned to one cell will transition or carry over to the next cell(s), in order to accomplish the function in its entirety. For instance, cell A, a group of 10 farmers, purchase an extra half-ton of feed corn each, for a total of five tons. They drop the excess off at a designated location and notify the cell leader. The cell leader then notifies HIS superior, the branch leader, who notifies the leader of cell B. B’s cell leader then has the two truck drivers that constitute his cell pick the corn up and deliver it to a different location. He notifies he branch leader when it’s there (so it’s no longer at risk of compromise from any of the farmers being turned). The branch leader then notifies cell C, who shows up, packages the corn for caching, and establishes the caches. C’s cell leader then notifies the branch leader that the caches are in location, and the locations of the caches. The branch leader then notifies the area command of the locations of the caches. If an element of the guerrilla force is operating in the area and needs a re-supply of corn for feeding the personnel within the Guerrilla Base Area Complex, they can be notified of the location, and then proceed to recover the caches. The same principle may apply to ANY logistics materials, from weapons to munitions, to medical supplies. The same underlying principles apply to moving personnel through a transportation network.

The key to security when using cells is that members of individual cells, even at the cell leader level, do not communicate directly with one another, but through the branch leader, or his intermediaries. This maintains the personnel security that compartmentalization provides.

Missions of the Auxiliary

The Guerrilla S-4

While the auxiliary has many roles to play, the most commonly recognized role is that of the “guerrilla S-4.” From the procurement of necessary goods and materials on the black market, to the manufacture of restricted items, to the establishment of caches, one of the primary missions of the auxiliary is always going to be getting the guerrilla force the things it needs to continue the fight. While many readers will immediately think of things like ammunition, weapons, food, and medical supplies, they are unnecessarily limiting their contributions. ALL classes of supply should be covered by a resistance auxiliary: computers, printers, paper, and ink. Ink pens and notebooks, socks, shoes, and clothing, vehicle repair components; even such mundane materials as building supplies such as nails and hammers can be used to construct shelters for the guerrilla force in the guerrilla base camps of the base area complex.

Not all logistics supply support operations need to be procurement-based functions. The manufacture of necessary items, from weapons and munitions in your home workshop or your machinist shop, to the raising of foodstuffs, fulfill a necessary role in the “guerrilla S-4” mode. The ability to transport those items, from one part of your area to another plays a role. Do you drive a pick-up with camper, or an SUV? Are you a CDL commercial driver? Have you taken the time to drive every county road, two-track, and logging trail in your county and the surrounding counties? Have you mapped them out and determined where good hide sites along the way are?

Intelligence Collection Assets

The collection of operational intelligence for the guerrilla force and/or underground is a critical role for the auxiliary member to play. Doing so of course, requires an understanding of what constitutes military operational intelligence. The final mission of any resistance movement is to destroy the regime’s ability to project force. I’ll say that again. The final mission of any resistance movement is to destroy the regime’s ability to project force. It doesn’t matter what the politicians say. It doesn’t matter what laws they pass. It doesn’t matter what speeches they make. All that matters is, do they have the ability, through their surrogates, to project the force of arms outward, in order to enforce those edicts?

The final mission of any resistance movement is to destroy the regime’s ability to project force. The more we know about the regime’s ability to project force, the easier that mission becomes. Intelligence assists us in the prosecution of the mission because it tells us what the enemy is capable of doing, where he is capable of doing it, and when he is capable of doing it. Intelligence information gathered by you, as a member of the auxiliary, whether procured randomly in the course of your day, or priority information requirements, the need for which is communicated to you by the area command, through your branch leader and cell leader, is critical to the underground and the guerrilla force, in order to prosecute their end of the fight effectively.

Intelligence is derived from information the auxiliary gathers. Until it has been analyzed and verified, it’s not intelligence, just information. Useful information may include specific details about the enemy, possible or actual, the weather, or the terrain.

Intelligence is information that has been analyzed for veracity, and compared to other information, in order to determine its meaning. “I saw a tank driving down Hwy 299 yesterday,” plastered across the internet, is NOT intelligence. It’s information. Did the poster REALLY see a tank? Or was it a Stryker? An MRAP? A fucking Suburban?

“I saw a train go through my town loaded down with armored military vehicles!” on an internet forum is not intelligence. It’s information. Did the train really exist? Did it really have armored vehicles on it? Let’s assume yes. So, what was the purpose behind the transportation of those vehicles? Were they being transported to be used against the American civilian populace? Or, were they being transported so that a unit stationed in the woodlands of Ft. Campbell, KY could get some training in an alpine desert environment like Ft. Carson, Colorado, before being deployed to Afghanistan? Or, were they being shipped to a DRMO site for demilitarization, to be sold off as obsolete/worn-out?

“Well, they were painted woodland camouflage! They couldn’t have been going to Afghanistan!” Well, okay….unless they haven’t been re-painted for deployment yet…Or, they will be returned to Ft. Campbell, following the train-up, and the Rakkasans will be using vehicles already in country in Afghanistan, in order to reduce the cost of the deployment to the taxpayers….

(Editorial Note: I’m not saying that shit doesn’t go on. I’m saying, consider the implications of what your information MIGHT mean. If A can equal B, or equal C, but it usually equals B….don’t jump to the conclusion that it suddenly MUST equal C. Don’t discount the final option either though.)

One of the most important issues of information collection that members of the auxiliary must consider is that they cannot let their prejudices, beliefs, or theories, interfere with their collection of information. Unless your cell is specifically tasked and trained as analysts, you don’t need to, nor should you, try and analyze the information you come across.

Within any resistance organization, whether the auxiliary, the underground, or the guerrilla force, there will be S-2 sections. Their job is to collect the information the auxiliary gathers, the information the guerrilla force gathers, and the information the underground gathers. Then, they put all of that information together, determine how it all fits together, and then develop an intelligence picture for the combat commanders (guerrilla and underground).

The primary objective of intelligence gathering is to help combat commanders, at all levels, make good decisions. The patrol leader needs good intelligence to determine where he can set his ambush up, and if he’s going to have enough people in his patrol to execute the ambush mission. The area commander needs to know what capabilities the enemy has, to determine if he can effectively send out patrols to conduct raids, or if he needs to limit his operations to simple ambushes, or even just random sniper ambushes. The auxiliary, by discovering the information that the S-2 needs, can help determine this information for him.

The second step in the troop-leading procedures for operational planning, next to “receive the mission,” is for the operational commander to develop an estimate of the situation, using the METT-TC analysis. Without reliable, accurate information, an accurate estimate cannot be made. This means good planning cannot occur. The operational leader may make a piss-poor decision, because he had bad information. The ability of the auxiliary to provide accurate, timely information for development by the S-2 is one of the absolute most critical roles the auxiliary can play.

The second objective of intelligence gathering is to help conceal the resistance’s plans and objectives from the regime. This may range from not being discovered conducting reconnaissance activities on or near certain objectives, to not letting the enemy know who is conducting the information gathering. A member of the auxiliary, who happens to have a day job working inside the security force compound may be able to not only gather more specific information on the operations within that facility than a guerrilla force surveillance patrol, they may be able to do so with less chance of compromise.

There are two basic aspects of information that the S-2 may ask the auxiliary intelligence-gathering cell to produce (technically, the military aspects of the weather forms the third, but between the internet and the Weather Channel, the need for the auxiliary to procure this information may be negligible in the coming activities). These include information about the military aspects of the terrain, and the military aspects of the enemy.

Military aspects of the terrain are described by the acronym OAKOC. Observation and fields of fire, Avenues of Approach, Key Terrain Features, Obstacles (natural and man-made), and Cover and Concealment. The ability of the auxiliary to get close to, or even inside, the enemy’s positions will provide a far better look at some of these than even the best guerrilla force surveillance patrol’s ability.

Military aspects of the enemy are described by the acronym SALUTE. Size, Activities, Locations, Unit/Uniform, Times, and Equipment.

(This is not an article on combat intelligence, but on the role the auxiliary plays, so we’ll leave those alone for now)

So, what are you doing today, to play your part in the auxiliary in gathering information? Are you studying the terrain in your area for the military aspects? Do you know where future guerrilla forces can move through your area with minimal signature to the regime? Do you know what locations would make good hide sites for guerrilla camps? If I showed up on your doorstep at midnight tonight, could you lead me to them?

Have you spoken with local police officers to determine which will do the right thing, and which will do as ordered? Do you know where the arms room is located in your local National Guard armory? Do you know what kind of equipment your local police department or your local NG unit has in its inventory? Not what you read on the internet, but through hands-on, real-world information gathering? (I know, I know, it’s fuck-all easier to sit on the internet and read shit off different “news” sites than it is to go talk to people….)

The Resistance Recruiter

A third critical role of the auxiliary is that of the recruiter. All images of used car salesmen military recruiters aside, this is also one of the absolute most critical roles in a resistance movement and one that can really only be effectively accomplished by the auxiliary. From identifying people with the right belief system and sympathies, to the actual approach and sales pitch, someone has to recruit new people. Equally important, someone has to vet them and determine their trustworthiness. The auxiliary member, approaching a new person for the first time, may or may not know that person outside of the resistance activities. If they do know the target individual, from their daily activities, they may be putting themselves in more danger than any guerrilla in a gunfight, if that person ends up being an agent of the regime, or an inactive sympathizer with the regime.

Other roles

Other roles the auxiliary may play are no less critical, nor less dangerous. Information dissemination in the form of propaganda (which will better reach the minds of the undecided civilian population? The message shared by their next door neighbor the grocery store manager they see every day, or the message delivered by the dude they’ve never met, but who’s in their yard, with “machine guns” and LBE, with an M4 or Kalashnikov in his hands?) or serving as couriers for communication networks can be obviously dangerous. Serving as a transportation facilitator in a transportation network for either logistics or personnel can get you shot dead or incarcerated at a vehicle control point.

Finally, the auxiliary may occasionally be called upon, in a part-time role, to provide active participation in paramilitary operations by the guerrilla force. This may be as simple as filling a security or blocking position during an operation, or providing a support-by-fire element for a raid that requires a larger assault element than the guerrilla band can manage, while still providing support-by-fire. Don’t get your panties in a wad, and don’t discount your need to know how to run your guns and shoot, move, and communicate, just because you recognize you don’t have the physical ability to live in the mountains and patrol into town to conduct raids and ambushes.


Don’t beat yourself up because you’re not CSM Billy Waugh. Don’t beat yourself up because your asthma precludes you from kicking in doors and shooting motherfuckers in the face. Stick to what you’re capable of, and know that you’ll still be providing an essential service to your community’s defense.

“If you can’t be the G, be the auxiliary.”

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  1. Brian permalink

    Good, very good. Vietnam was long ago, and I was a sailor then to boot. I am in a rural area with a small acreage and very willing to do whatever I can. This article gives me hope and tons of things I can do and prep for beyond what I have been doing. Getting older sucks sure, but the heart still wants to make a difference!

  2. Shorty permalink

    Awesome post.

    I’m working on a research paper about OSS/SOE operations in the European Theater at the moment, and history confirms everything written in this article. The OSS had great men doing great things, but they also had an absolutely enormous logistics train behind them. Even more importantly, they had the support of locals to facilitate transportation, lodging, and food sources. Much to the chagrin of some of the more disgruntled readers, even the local police and constabulary forces provided significant intelligence support in various countries.

    Something that I think is important to consider for those of us already immersing ourselves in Auxiliary roles is a full situational awareness of our operating conditions.

    1) The US has been in sustained fighting against established guerrilla forces/partisan militias in the form of the Taliban, AQ in Afghanistan, AQ in Iraq, AQIM, the FARC and others in South America, and other forms of dirtbags like the LET in Pakistan for 10 to 20 years now.
    2) These guerrilla forces/partisan militias all have established resupply lines and advising from foreign governments, auxiliary support, recruitment methods, and training camps.Groups such as the Haqqani Network operate almost exactly like the models we want to emulate.
    3) Personnel in infantry, signal, military intelligence, and SOF units have had exposure to and experience fighting against and tracking these established networks over the last 10-20 years.
    4) Many of those NCOs and Officers are, or have been, employed by local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies, including many ex-JSOC studs working for or training federal and state SRT/SWAT teams.

    While it’s true that the local-level law enforcement personnel in the US have never faced a concerted force of arms, It is a serious failure of Operational Security to assume that we will only be facing local yokel deputies. There are more than a handful of well-trained counter-insurgency officers and agents who will not switch sides. We have to plan for them and their means of counterintelligence while conditions are still favorable than when the pressure is on.

  3. Aesop permalink

    And another few sheets get printed off and placed in the binder under “This Stuff Is Gold”.
    Thanks for downloading some more of that million-dollar education.

  4. Anon permalink

    Excellent shit as always Mosby and fucking spot on. For anyone interested in comms training keep an eye on WRSA for announcements regarding encryption 101, encryption best practices and a whole other fuck ton of others planned.

    • cooter permalink

      This is a very useful post. I hope you can elaborate a little on the vetting process for auxilliary members. Not only from the viewpoint of the recruiter, but also from the potential recruit. How do determine you are not being sucked into some kind of sting operation? That sort of thing.

  5. Badger permalink

    Thanks for the sharing of that. While I can pull a trigger more than “once or twice” I’d be a liability nowadays to a well-disciplined team of runners & gunners. Of more value is to lend those other skills gathered over decades’ time, some paid for by Uncle Sam, so the paramilitary can keep doing what they do. I personally take no offense at the term Auxiliary, which is a helluva lot better than quisling or corpse. Keep sharing this aspect, even isolated anecdotal observations that have a LL to be gleaned. All the CSC functions in the traditional military leviathan are on the table & SORELY needed.

    If you ain’t part of the solution you’re at minimum in the f’n way; nice job,

  6. Great article. I have posted the URL with the III% Militia. One thing though. I don’t think the Appleseed Project meant what you think it meant by that question, which, by the way, I cannot find.

    I am not affiliated with them nor have ever been to a match but I can say that just reading their website should be enough to tell you that you may have come to an erroneous conclusion concerning them. They appear to be honorable and when the shit gets real, I can only assume they will be on the side of Liberty and Freedom.

    The auxiliary is very important but you can wash all the clothes you want, cook all the eggs you like, but without riflemen and women, bullets, the threat of impending death or destruction, you have nada, zip, bupkiss, zero. What you have are a lot of dead auxiliary or slaves…

    As for your comment that a fighting force may be the least important, I beg to differ as well, So did General Washington. There is no negotiating with an evil bastards. And there is no Militia without the fighting force. It is all about leverage… or lever action if you may…

    Keep up the good work otherwise. Thank You.

    David Landro, State Commander, Wisconsin III% Militia.

    • …and without those clothes being washed, your fighters are dying of disease…without those eggs being cooked, your fighters are dying of starvation and exposure….I never said you don’t need riflemen. I said those riflemen, despite the typical militia commander’s Red Dawn fantasies, are not the only factor of your survival in a war zone.

      I agree with your assessment that the Appleseed Project has its heart in the right place, and are doing important things. That having been said, whether their intent was how I interpreted it or not (and I’m sure it’s not), the way they phrase the question implies, to most people who come across it, that being a cook is somehow inferior. That’s a misguided approach to take, period.


      • ga steve permalink

        A large number of my family fought with Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia and I have read the history of my family’s units and heard the story’s passed down about them picking the corn from the horse manure and eating wild onions and the dead mules just to go one more day, marching while starving and sick, ragged and shoeless but they kept fighting, No amount of help should ever be considered insignificant for the cause.

  7. Can’t help but notice you didn’t chose “cook” as your MOS. 🙂

    One thing nobody ever talks about is finance, who’s paying the tab?

    • Brian permalink

      Everyone will have to do what they can, but primarily auxiliary pays the bills. I’m 65 years old and been stockpiling for years. I do not have much (I live on my small pension and social insecurity), but I have my small acreage where I grow and can, butcher and can, keep my eyes open for opportunities to acquire useful stuff, swap, trade, build and so forth. When the time comes I will be useful and able to help. And yeah, I have my rifle, plenty of ammo, and one (so far) very good underground place to hide up to 20 shooters fairly comfortably for as long as they can stand my cooking and humor.

      This fight is for our country, our kids and our neighbors. When its all over and we are free, it won’t matter a tinkers dam who paid for what. Folks will remember who was there for them when the chips were down. Freedom ain’t free neighbor, some of us are going to have to pony up to support the fight till the bloody end. If I don’t make it till then, I will have gone out doing my part as best I can.

      • For the most part, you’re right. This line was what got me thinking:
        “not by suddenly trying to score a black market shipment of medical supplies from a smuggler”
        Some things will have to be procured during what is guaranteed to be a martial law situation-medicine, ammo, other gear- and, whether its coming from a store or from the Sinaloa Cartel, somebody is gonna have to have cash. All insurgencies have funding sources, usually it seems to be narcotics trafficking, but that’s not an option for us.

      • Brian permalink

        America’s economic condition is just going to get worse. As bad as ammo costs are now, we will remember these as the good ol’ days. Ditto all other supplies. Whatever you have when “it” happens is all you are ever going to have.

        Funding? That is NOT going to happen. Money will be worth little or nothing. Tangible assets will be all that matters. Some “rich” guy will be just as bad off as everyone else when his money has no value. Only those that stockpile will have things of use to freedom.

        ALL of us need to get busy gathering useful stuff and stashing it for tomorrow.

      • Whether it’s with FRNs, gold, silver, or marketable hard assets, the interchange of materials will continue to occur. No, I don’t think the current economic system can sustain itself. However, whether we’re trading hard assets, PMs, or deerhides and beaver pelts, people will still have ways to transfer goods from those who have it to those who need it. So, yeah, we need to get what we can get, but we also need to be figuring out ways how to continue getting things we need.

      • David A. Moore permalink

        I just want to throw-in my bit from SE Ga. Brian, Badger, David, Mike-golf, etc. Deserve thx for your preparedness & info dissemination. I truly relate to the being past my expiration date – only 52, but like MikeGolf, I have Army-induced spinal fusion & metal..trying to stay as in-shape as I can (Info: seek out “Southernprepper” via YouTube for some upcoming tactical goodies!)..agree w/ the aux.-label pride, though I “PLAN” on being active wtshtf, too. MG, I’ve been promo-ing your trng w/ my III%er’s brothers – yeah, we’re hampered by geography ~ too damned far away from your ao. Idea: Any mid-continent state in the North you’d view as “doable” for some grp trng classes?? Somewhere inbetween thou & the? Gotta say though, was w/ 502MI Bn, Ft. Lewis & Idaho IS SO BEAUTIFUL..drove through pcs-ing..loved it! We have some good-great vets w/i our grp., but you’d bring a new level to our sut. Again to you & all other’s here, thx for keeping your oath & choosing the right side.

      • I’m open to travel, but the window is quickly closing….NY, NJ, MA are all off-limits, but I’m open to other places, it just becomes a matter of how much it’s going to cost me to get there, and develop my EPA in case something bad happens while I’m there.

    • Hey, I didn’t say I always follow my own advice……as I pointed out in response to Mr. Landro, I didn’t say you don’t need gunslingers. I’m simply making the point that, if you know you’re not going to be a gunslinger, don’t get discouraged, thinking you don’t have a role to play.

  8. RobRoySimmons permalink

    Great work thanks. For information gathering I think working at a truckstop post FanShit would be a goldmine, especially at a confluence of interstates. It seems strategically its a battle for mobility corridors and bean counting and a truckstop sits right there in the center.

  9. Excellent primer, and spot on. I would suggest reading everything you can about “the troubles” in N. Ireland. We have all heard that the “active IRA” numbered only a few 100 at most. Their effectiveness and even their continued survival over many decades and even different eras can be attributed to many factors, such as strong discipline, but largely it was a result of the effectiveness of their auxiliary. Providing safe houses, stash houses and rapid caches for the active units turned small groups of G’s into a force to be reckoned with. The uniformed British Army could not move an inch without their movements being reported by “dickers.” Even the SAS and other special recon outfits had a difficult time operating without being spotted. After attacks, the active unit members could drop off weapons in numerous stash locations, often entering an unlocked back door, dropping a weapon, and walking out the front. The weapon would be hidden by the auxiliary to be recovered later, and so on. In no way am I advocating all of the tactics of the IRA, many of them were disgusting, but it was not called a “dirty war” for nothing, and atrocities took place on all sides. But there are many lessons to be learned by studying the Irish “troubles.” I recommend Martin Dillon’s “The Dirty War” for a starting point.

  10. riverrider permalink

    well john i agree in principal with everything you say. BUT, i don’t see a bunch of young supertroopers moving into my AO at do battle with the regime. i’m about the best there is around here even in my decrepit state. i would love to hand off the trigger pulling to young patriot studs, but i don’t see any. it’ll be me and a bunch of ex mil has-beens. i suspect its this way in a lot of places. so no, we won’t be jsoc g-men running n gunning the whole ao, but we’ll prep the battlefield, give em hell and die in place at a time of our choosing, praying that our death gives wings to the cause and honors our upbringing. that said, my last assignment was g4. “a good general knows tactics, a great one knows logistics.” we’ll keep the light on for ya.

  11. Hugo permalink

    Brian has the right idea. All you wise older gentlemen and ladies, please start building cache locations, hidey holes, and hell! if you can, secret bunkers with per-positioned food, ammo, medical and hygiene items. In the past resistance fighters have needed:
    map overlays
    stuff for sand tables
    waterproof paper
    spare parts
    sterilized vehicles (motorcycles and trucks)
    templates to fill in the blanks for SOIs, OPORDs and other operational plan assistance
    various uniforms and guises – milk man, fedex driver, whatever,

    If you live in a rural area or in the mountains near a major city, build more! If you know of abandoned mines, caves or other areas that may be useful in the future; hide them and close them up if you can for future use.

    Build it and they will come.

    • Brian permalink

      Whoa there Hugo. ALL OF US need to put up useful stuff. There is enormous cost involved here, I’ve put up maybe 20 to 30 grand worth of stuff over the last 8 years. My days of earning a good living are past. I live on less than $17,000 a year, but I am frugal. All the stuff I’ve worked so hard to gather could disappear in just one poorly executed battle (probably not, but it could). Younger folks (shooters and runners) had better get off your sorry butts and start putting up large quantities of things as well. Us “wise older gentlemen and ladies” are NOT sugar daddies. We believe in America and will do all we can, but if you think your trigger finger is all that is required of you in these current good times, you are dead wrong.

      I’d give just about anything to be able to join the fight, 60+ years of wear and tear simply make it unrealistic. Your youth and health should be treasured absolutely, but it is not anywhere near enough. Do you have 10,000 rounds stored properly (for long term) for your battle rifle? Do you have 20-30 good quality mags, a quantity of spare parts? I do, for MY battle rifle, which is not 5.56×45.

      How are you doing with the other things on your wish list for us older folks to provide for you? Not all of us are former infantry (I was a sailor). You use acronyms that do me no good, the military has changed a bit over the last 40+ years.

      I will give till there is nothing left of me. I am one man. We need millions of folks preparing for what is coming, this includes you. Get rid of your cable TV, car payments, and everything else not needed for the fight and get busy stocking up… or we will lose.

      • Hugo permalink


        With respect, yes, I have stocked away an extensive stash, but how much we spend is somewhat immaterial right. It’s the thought that counts after all!!!! My message wasn’t meant for you. It is clear to all that you have gone above and beyond. You have set the standard sir. My message was a call to arms for those that haven’t stocked up on basics, or contributed to the cause. It’s the 80/20 rule after all. 20% contribute 80% of the supplies. You sir, are in the 20%. If we can get 5 more percent of the people in the supply train, we can make a difference for saving humanity. I sound like an NPR fundraiser, HA! “Just one more caller in the next 10 minutes and you get a “click-and-clack-tongue magical toilet brush, that they have to taste shit with on every scrub”.

        No shit. Brian has set the fucking standard! He’s busted his ass, sacrificed countless inconveniences and stashed away for… YOU! and your families!


        Just know when some tatt’ed up kid with a nostalgic military bearing gives you the nod from the seat of his obnoxiously loud Harley, or some nondescript smartly dressed business-clone-asshole smiles at you; just know, we are on your side, and we thank you, respect. Annapolis, West Point, OCS, Fort Benning or fucking San Diego and Camp Pendleton. We really do love you squids. 🙂 Honestly we do! We are all red blooded Americans and we love freedom! We all have the spirit of Washington, Lafayette, Jefferson and Madison. We will not allow our communities to fall to tyranny, or our country. Thank you Brian.

        Since it’s the thought that counts, all these people that feel guilty right now for sitting on their asses are going to get off of their 4th point of contact and go dig a fucking bunker, and buy some lactated ringers, food, ammo and antibiotics, right? You dig it? – cache locations?

        You ladies and gentlemen do also understand we’re winning?! You brought a war of ideas to these sons-of-bitches, and we’re really fucking winning!!! They have a few people that can run a gun pretty well, that’s true, but we have tens of thousands that can run a gun better than them! Possibly millions. These would-be tyrants don’t stand a chance! Just get your shit straight for your community, train hard and we’ll beat the shit out of these fascists without firing a shot, but if they start a war with us, it will be their end. That’s a fact. Train, fight, win!


        “Don’t die for your country, make the other son-of-a-bitch die for theirs!” – Gen. George Patton

  12. Lex permalink

    In our age of selfeshness & greed, where fellow gun owners gleefully charge their peers a dollar per round or more for 5.56 ammo we’re gonna to need a common goal.
    What good is an Auxillary if your can’t afford what they’re selling. Without a common goal, there is no Auxillary.
    I’m fighting to stop the percecution of my Christian brothers by the Marxist, homosexual infiltraitors & the degredation of my Country & its White Heritage through immigration & thug (Black) culture.
    Thank you.

  13. The Pain of War Can Not Exceed, the Woe of the Aftermath, Battle of Evermore Led Zepplin
    we should never forget this truth, it is real and awaits us whatever the outcome of the coming struggle.

  14. Bill permalink

    Fantastic article. Much to think about here.

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  1. Mosby: “If You Can’t Be A G, Be The Auxiliary” | Western Rifle Shooters Association
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  3. Battlefield USA: “Patriots, you better unfuck yourselves, or surely, we will all be FUCKED.” | Western Rifle Shooters Association

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