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Skull-Stomping Sacred Cows: That IS the damned job, dude!

June 1, 2016

One of the primary goals of this blog, from the very beginning, has been to utilize the doctrine of unconventional warfare, to illustrate some of the critical lessons for surviving—and even thriving—through the ongoing decline of civilization as we know it, and debunk many of the fanciful, nonsense thought experiments that have been passed on as “survival gospel,” over the years. Among these useful lessons has been the tripartite division of labors within historical insurgent and resistance organizations. While we’re not interested in overthrowing the government (seriously, if that’s why you’re here, a) you’re a fucking idiot, and b) you’re in the wrong place), the lessons inherent in that division of labors between guerrilla force, underground, and auxiliary offer a useful framework for determining all of the various tasks implicit to ensuring the security, safety, and survival of our communities.

The simple reality is, not everyone is cut out to be a knuckle-dragging gunfighter, and while we should all know how to fight, including with guns, there are a host of other necessary tasks that need to be done, that can be accomplished effectively by those unsuited for face-shooting motherfuckers. Some of those tasks are fulfilled by the “auxiliary” in UW doctrine. Today, we’re going to discuss one, specifically, that—in my limited exposure—is mishandled, fumbled, and just generally fucked up, in the prepper and survivalist movement: recruiting and indoctrination.

Relax, relax. When we talk about indoctrination, we’re not talking about communist political commissars, forcing people to accept their ideology. My copy of Merriam-Webster’s dictionary has two definitions of “indoctrinate.” The first—and primary—is, “to instruct, especially in fundamentals or rudiments; to teach.” The second is the one we’re used to, from media use of the term in that context, “to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point-of-view, or principle.” This is an important distinction, as we’ll see below.


One of my firmly-held beliefs is that a tribalist, community-centric approach to preparedness is the only logical, experientially-proven method of long-term survival in decaying civilizations and failed-state environments. One of the more gratifying things about my third book, Forging the Hero: A Tribal Strategy for Building Resilient Communities for Surviving the Decline of Empire has been the fact that every single person I’ve spoken to, who has read it, has been extremely vocal in their agreement that the strategy described in the book is the most sensible approach they’ve seen described. (My good buddy, “Dan Morgan” of, had particularly glowing words of praise for the work, and has promised me he’s going to publish a thorough review on his blog in the near future.).

The premise of the book is the same premise that I teach in my Auxiliary and Support Operations Course: surviving the Decline of Empire is not about “saving” the empire, nor is it about “restoring” the empire. It’s about ensuring the survival of those cultural values that made the empire worthwhile in the first place, and the best people to surround yourself with, in order to ensure that, is by looking at the people who you already know share your values. Who is that? Your family, friends, and neighbors.

The problem that often arises, within the preparedness and survivalist communities however, is that everyone wants to create a “group,” whole cloth, out of the thin air of “like-minded” people that they probably don’t even know. Who do you know better, and who, should you trust? The dude you met at the Oathkeepers Rally, who showed up wearing a Multi-Cam soft shell parka, with lots of III% and Gadsden Flag velcro patches, or the cousins and siblings you grew up with, and their offspring?

But, John, my family is full of shitheads that don’t care about the Constitution, or the Bill-of-Rights, or Capitalism. They all support Bernie Sanders, for crying out loud!

Really? So, you were just a fluke of nature, and nobody in your family shares your values, at all? Where did your values come from? Granted, it CAN happen. I’ve met people who developed values in college or the military that seemed to be diametrically opposite of what their families believed. It’s pretty fucking rare though. Even then, you—presumably—have friends that you’ve had for some time. THOSE people share your values, at least on some level, or they would not be your friends, right?

So what if your family and friends don’t share your concerns about the Decline, right now? If you’re willing to do the hard work, and think introspectively, you CAN find a way to approach them, through your shared values, in such a way to help them understand the importance of preparedness. You can, to borrow a quote, “instruct, especially in fundamentals or rudiments;” in fact, doing so, is “to imbue with a usually partisan or sectarian opinion, point-of-view, or principle.” See, recruiting and indoctrination is THE most important task the auxiliary fulfills in the UW doctrinal model. It doesn’t matter if the auxiliary is providing food, if there’s nobody to eat the damned slop. It doesn’t matter if they’re procuring weapons and medical equipment on the black market, if there’s nobody to shoot the weapons, or that will need to be patched up.

Winning Hearts and Minds

The idea of “winning hearts and minds” is often derided today as unrealistic political bullshit, conceived by feel-good politicians with their heads in the clouds, and a total lack of understanding about how to win wars. While it HAS often been misused, and IS often misused, the old meme of “grab ’em by the balls, and their hearts and minds will follow,” is just as foolhardy. While it’s demonstrably not true that “you can’t kill your way to victory,” as the bleeding hearts like to whine, it IS demonstrably true that if you start killing people who are not yet dedicated to killing you, you WILL create MORE enemies, in their families and friends.

The fact is, committed foes, who have voiced or proven their willingness to use violence to achieve their aims, are not—generally—going to be convinced by anything outside of overwhelming violence-of-action, to alter their behavior. Those people can only be “fixed” by chopping off their heads, and sticking them on spikes to scare their compatriots. The greater mass of people however, who may hold some egregious views on things, that can be educated as to the error of their ways, absent chopping off heads.

THAT is where PSYOP comes into the indoctrination equation. If we look at the seven-phase PSYOP process (that I’ve described in some detail in previous articles), we see a perfect model for approaching how we can indoctrinate those people within our community that share our key values, customs, and traditions, into the sustainable preparedness mindset.

According to US Army FM 3-05.301 Psychological Operations Process Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (AUG 07), “The seven-phase PSYOP process is a standardized, nonlinear framework by which PSYOP are planned and conducted in support of (ISO) a broad range of missions. The fundamental goal of the PSYOP process is to direct well-crafted and precise PSYOP at the most appropriate foreign target audiences (TAs) to elicit behaviors favorable to U.S. national objectives.”

Phase One of the Seven-Phase PSYOP Process (hereafter referred to as “the process,” because I’m a lazy fucker), is “Planning.” Planning involves determining what the Psychological Operations Objectives are. That is, what is the goal of your PSYOP? What behaviors are you trying to elicit?

In our context, we know that the Psychological Operations Objective is to convince those friends, family, and neighbors to adopt a more preparedness-oriented mindset, possibly including taking proactive measures.

Phase Two of the process is Target Audience Analysis. This is looking at the potential audience, in order to determine how to effectively approach them in pursuit of the objective. Target Audience Analysis (TAA) requires “sufficient knowledge and understanding of target audiences to develop effective methods to influence behavior favorable” to your objectives. This, in my estimation, is the sticking point for most people in the preparedness and survivalist movement, when it comes to recruiting and indoctrination of friends, family, and neighbors. Too many people are too comfortable in the “rightness” of their beliefs, and are unwilling to even discuss opposing views, let alone study them enough to develop any level of empathy with those who hold those opposite views. Doing so however, is genuinely necessary, to understanding the target audience adequately “to develop effective methods to influence behavior.

An interesting—and timely—example that I often cite in classes, are twenty- and thirty-something Bernie Sanders supporters. Point the first, Bernie Sanders is a scumbag socialist and a professional politician. I am not arguing that point. Point the second, a significant cohort within the collective of Sanders supporters are raving socialists and are beyond hope of re-education.

That having been said, when you actually step back from your own preconceived biases for a moment or two, and LISTEN to what these young people are bitching about, many of their complaints are legitimate. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the “solutions” they’ve been offered, by teachers and professors and politicians and friends, are fucking horrible, and inimical to what most of us consider “traditional American values.” Instead of simply “writing off” those Sanders supporters that may exist within your community, who have shitty “solutions” to legitimate problems, we SHOULD be developing a PSYOP product that helps indoctrinate them into the “right” side of things, by educating them on realistic, effective, sane solutions to those problems. Granted, some will be beyond hope, but I can speak from personal experience that it IS possible to educate Bernie Sanders supporters, at least to the point of acknowledging that there are better solutions to the problems they are concerned about than electing that jackass to the Presidency. Whether that indoctrination will hold in the long-term depends largely on the success of the preparedness programs you implement within the community, and their experiences in achieving those successes. (For the record, I am not suggesting you should focus your recruiting efforts specifically on Bernie Sanders supporters. I am using an extreme example to illustrate a point.)

But, that sounds like work!

It’s funny, because on multiple occasions in both my Auxiliary and Support Operations course, and in other courses I’ve taught, where this subject has arisen during break-time conversations, as well as comments on this blog, the overwhelming complaint I hear from people about this is not the “impossibility” of this recruiting method or the indoctrination, but rather that “it just sounds like a lot of effort with no guarantee of payoff.

Well, no shit?

Look, if you think surviving the Decline of Empire—or even Restoring the Republic, or Making America Great Again—is going to be easy, or simple, or an enjoyable jaunt in the park, you’re dumber than a whole crate full of granite. It is ALL difficult. Raising your own food is hard, hot, sweaty work when it is for survival and not just recreational gardening after work and on the weekends. Dealing with the people within your community, whether a natural geographical community, or a “prepper group,” is going to be far more difficult when lives are on the line, than it is when the lights and heat are still functioning. Ever tried herding cats?

Of course recruiting and indoctrination are fucking hard. Get over it. Especially if you accept that you are part of the auxiliary within your community/group/tribe/etc, then you need to recognize that recruiting is the MOST IMPORTANT job you have. It IS the job. So, suck it up, drive on, and start looking at people around you as potential members of your community, rather than looking at yourself as some Lone Ranger, doomed to surviving the Decline as a hermit.

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  1. jukk0u permalink

    Concerning “A lot of effort…” and “target audience”: Seems like One may be able to reduce One’s effort by identifying social leaders as targets for PSYOP efforts. Convince or win-over the more respected and influential elements of the target audience and that will swing some of the others.
    I like and agree with the concept that folks have legitimate “beefs” but have been offered poor solutions.

    • Solid point about key leaders and influential people. Thanks.

      • jukk0u permalink

        Read an interesting blog article on negotiations with/between groups (citation needed but I can’t find it, sorry) and the author talks about “blind allegiance” and how good manipulators get others to do their work. He spoke of group dynamics and the factions of every group. Within each there are: “teachers”, a larger group of “followers” the “class clowns” and the “rebels”.

        His point was more directed towards negotiations and collaboration between “your” group and “others” but I think the principles still apply.

        Sadly, I made no note of the source and have been trying to re-find him…. I’ll keep trying.

  2. James Seals permalink

    My friends and I have been looking at this exact issue. This is very well laid out and just begins to expose the problems with establishing the tribe. I look forward to more info on these topics.

  3. chas permalink

    Hearts and minds. What a laugh. We are dealing with the problem locally. Including their children..

  4. tfA-t permalink

    The murkins are not normal. I’d rather herd cats.

  5. A big issue, and disconnect, is the urgency (perceived and actual) of the situation. There’s a time for trying to educate people to the realities of the situation, and a time to get in the lifeboat yourself and start pulling an oar, and let others fend for themselves. All this knowing that the last lifeboat to try to leave is always going to be bum-rushed, followed by swamped and sinking.

    The trouble is the disagreement about where society is at this moment, and how much time there is left before it’s too late, which suggests which course is more appropriate.
    The answer for individuals also depends rather heavily on where person A is in their own process of preparedness, which also determines how much time, energy, and personal treasure they’re willing to invest/squander on persons B through Z.

    Consider the tale of Noah, who with 100 years to convince people, evidently only managed to get his own children and their spouses to go along with his program.

  6. .weston.pecos. permalink

    Decline of empire happens over hundreds of years, or at least, over decades. There is no one point when it goes from thriving-but-threatened to “done been declined”. So people who say that getting the timing right of our empire’s decline so you know when to act are missing the whole point. And, it happens differently in various empires. Look at the Romans. Decline was over a few hundred years, and during that time the periphery areas of the empire were beset by pretenders to the throne, warlords who came to power locally and served for a while before being overthrown, invasions by outsiders, division of the empire, receding of the empire’s peripheral control, and ultimately in Britain they saw restoration of the ancient, pre-Roman traditions of local self-government, along with invasion/ingress and ultimately absorption of the Saxons. (Same phenomenon happened with the Chinese over thousands of years: The Chinese always claim they’ve never been conquered because always the conquerors are absorbed and ultimately become Chinese — one could argue, and many do that the Saxons who invaded Britain essentially became British). The great strength of America’s empire is not our Navy and our factories, but instead is that we absorb “invaders” and make them American. But decline means different things for different empires, too. Look at the decline of the British empire. People who were trying to time the decline would have been unprepared for the rapid spin off after World War Two, and then may have figured there was no need to do anything else recently because after about 1975 “the empire done been declined” and those people would have been totally unprepared to deal with the values-shredding going on over there now. You can’t time the decline. You get working on being prepared and ready to to deal with the process of decline, not the event of decline.

    • When time is short, one has to prioritize their own finite resources.
      If you get things in order, and have more time, you can go looking for the lost tribe.
      But if you aren’t ready for the event of decline, nor the process, it won’t much matter if you find them or not, as they’re unlikely to carry you along out of the goodness of their hearts.
      You’ll just be another impoverished refugee at that point, something unlikely to be in any sort of shortage.

  7. Great points in regards to Sanders supporters, and one that I usually point out among those I’m close to when the topic arises.

    It’s analgous in a certain degree to the technique the Selous Scouts used in recruiting former Terrs- however those specially developed techniques being obviously far superior to most of the contemporary folks concerned. The individuals survivalist/militant/whatever movement would be far better off utilizing the common sustainable community motif understanding the underlying tones of personal liberty rather than the oft-repeated memes we all know and loathe.

    One other point of concern for many should be asking yourself when and why you share any political beliefs at all; many times its far more advantagous to simply keep quiet, shrug your shoulders, make jokes(my technique), and use folks to their strengths. I’m friends with the hippie organic farmer neighbors, because I also know a bit about organic farming. We may be on the opposite end of the spectrum, but have common utility ground serving each others’ needs. When the time comes, it will take little convincing.

  8. robroysimmons permalink

    Being an “educator” is frankly a thankless and nearly fruitless undertaking.

    First step, identify the “Authority” to which the skull full of mush looks towards then over time skull stomp the shit out of that “authority”

    Once that “authority” is thoroughly skull stomped and bleeding out all natural and unnatural orifices then the retraining will have a chance to take hold.

    Take the Moral Level of war, it is the most valuable

  9. John Rourke permalink

    Valid points, but a couple thoughts :- )

    First is the idea of the ‘faceshooting MFers’ and their support. From what I see, the reality is the Auxiliary will be doing a fair amount of the shooting or more likely employing force multiplying efforts. Those capable of being a real Auxiliary have a lifetime of getting things done and have the wealth and experience that rides along with doing something well. They are also far enough along in their lives that they remember what has been lost. The challenge is staying healthy.

    The second thing is that from what I see, many of those setting themselves up as a ‘faceshooting MFer’ don’t really impress the most likely candidates of the potencial Auxiliary. It’s a pretty simple deal to tat up, grow an operator beard and ride along on a tour or two in the infantry where most of them didn’t do much ‘faceshooting’ anyway. The challenge is them getting to the point they can take care of themselves and their families with enough surplus to make up the next Auxiliary.

    At the end of the day, when the nut cutting starts it’s likely going to be a family affair.

  10. Truth Corps permalink

    Sacred Cow #1 The myth of equality.
    Sacred Cow #2 Diversity is our strength.

    Don’t believe me? Look no further than the Special Forces.
    DELTA will be much more effective with a black lesbian leading a team, right?

    Smash those Sacred Cows indeed.

    • You seriously need reading comprehension lessons. I’d write your Congressman for you, if you’d like, and demand a refund of your parents’ tax dollars that paid for your “education.”

      • John Rourke permalink

        From a decli empire perspective.

        The problem with ‘recruiting’ folks outside your ‘circle of trust’ is you can’t trust them. Trust is a problem with family prepper groups now, it ain’t getting better mixing in outsiders with intimate family issues. Anybody that lives in small towns should understands this pretty well. I live in an area with a strong prepper presence, not goofy lonewolfs, but large groups with real money to spend and all that I know have their drama. The key is that it stays THEIR drama and not mine. By making agreements as a group it takes a lot of the petty disagreements out of the equation and maintains a layer of privacy for all involved.

        IMO about the best you can hope for now is making thoughtful and careful ‘agreements’ with other family groups. I’ve seen the drama caused by trying to integrate outsider young men or women into family groups.

        The other problem is simply love. Right now love doesn’t really matter, it’s all fun and games, big talk and multicam. When the nut cutting starts it’s a whole nother ball of wax. Guerrillas fighters generally love their leaders, reciprocating the respect and love shown to them. The discipline is done out of love and even if it’s harsh it’s accepted if it’s just. Any relationship less than this is worse than no relationship IMO.

        I get what your putting down, I just don’t agree you can recruit effectively outside a very strong circle of existing trust.

        Putting together an active guerrilla group is different IMO, it really needs to be ran like a local chapter of an outlaw biker club. Right down to member sponsored prospects, real deal loyalty test involving the naughtyness NO ONE would do if they weren’t all in.

      • DAN III permalink

        Screw a refund to his parents ! They got 10s of thousands of MY tax dollars in tax credits for their kid AND I was forced to pay school taxes for a bastard that wasn’t mine. And I, you, us are still fucking paying school taxes allowing .gov teachers to live high on the hog

  11. James permalink

    I have read this article a few times now as it really got me thinking and the first thing that keeps popping out at me is this is basically figuring out a good business plan.I realise the stakes much higher(hopefully if a business fails it is not fatal!).

    As a carpenter working on bigger projects you need a team,folks with experience and those wanting to learn.I have seen(and luckily had)good folks who were willing to share knowledge and have worked with others who are not willing to share.I have also worked with folks who want to learn and and at times these newer folks figured out a way to do a task in a better way and I learn from them.Those with a lot of knowledge not willing to learn new ways to get things done will drag down a whole group.

    I agree with others that trust is a tough issue in this and getting folks you trust to accept that things can go very wrong/very quickly in our lives,the mental hurdle seems the toughest part and if you can get someone through that I believe the rest can be learned.

    I would say that things go very wrong we will need to reach out to other local groups/individuals to try and work together,not sure how to safely approach that but feel it will be necc. for long term survival.

    • John Rourke permalink

      The idea of structuring, or at least outlining an extended family group like a business has a lot of merit. The wealthy polygamists, who are long time pro’s at this, draw up legal corporations to identify land ownership and dispersal of group earned income. They discuss the spending of corporation funds and vote on group issues. Of course they have strong religious ties, that most groups aren’t going to have.

      The other money/power issue is the ownership of group retreat land. Does that mean the land owner is defacto group leader? What happens if that doesn’t work out? I’ve seen this play out in real time, now not only is the family fractured, but much less prepared to deal with the decline. Sad deal, they are good neighbors and the land owners remain our friends, but now their family members don’t speak. Another group split over a broke down back hoe. The owner put it out for the group, it broke, group didnt want to help fix it. Back hoe owner didn’t own the land. Took his toys and left, no one has been around the property in two years, bummer for all.

      The land issue is a big deal, traditionaly the lords owned the land and serfs gathered and respected that authority for a measure of security. Not the kind of group dynamics I want to be around.

      It seems to me recruiting will only work if there is something to recruit folks too. Talk is cheap, it takes money to buy whiskey. I get it, that it starts with talk, but often stops there as well.

      Lots of issues to consider too really pull this off, writing it all up and doing formal meetings might be a good start for some, totally unnecessary for others.

      Rubber meets the road with action. A good start might be group gardening, with group labor and group money with an elected leader for that endeavor to cordinate. An easy test of group cohesion for all members from 3 years old to 80. Works for us :- )

      Anyway, these are the issues I’ve personaly seen extended family groups face.

  12. Alfred E. Neuman permalink

    Reblogged this on ETC., ETC., & ETC..

    • John Rourke permalink

      IME it’s been easier dealing with our neighbors (would be allies) than family.
      Not because my family group isn’t down with the struggle, but because folks tend to take each other for granted at times. We/I deal with that by making sure EVERYONE has responsibility that requires group cooperation.

      The old saying is very true about being able to pick your friends but not your family. We make it work really pretty well, but there’s times it takes a lot of love and patients on everyones part haha

      Probably the biggest challenge for our extended family group will be getting everyone in the same place when the time comes. There’s several thousand dystopian fiction books on kindle covering different aspects of that issue haha Seriously though they will be very exposed and concerns me a great deal.

  13. TheSpartanMonkey permalink

    Two things, if I may:

    1) For those who think winning hearts ‘n minds isn’t worth it or is too hard:
    What do you have to lose? Seems like you’ve got two approaches to take right now: start shooting, or prep your battlespace. Once you start shooting, you’ve set yourself down a one-way road that will eventually lead to your death or land you in prison. Which of those will help your tribe pay bills and live day-to-day? OTOH, WHAM gets you out there and figuring out who’s who, planting seeds in people’s minds, and buys you more time to get your shit together.

    2) Is the recruiting effort a waste if you don’t gain a new recruit into your tribe’s inner circle of trust? I’d say it’s not a waste because you might not find a prepper soul-mate, but you may find someone who can fix your PC, weld your broken tractor, or just give you a ride on a rainy night. Everyone has a place, even if it’s holding a target in front of his face.

    • John Rourke permalink

      Some good points :- )

      In my mind recruiting is what the military or a baseball team does. They are a group looking for participants on their team.

      There are no part members on our team and I’m not exposing my brothers or daughters kids or my step son family and others to the guy who talks a good talk while loading my truck at the co-op. Nice guy at the co-op isn’t going to be running around on our atv’s, wearing our PVS-14’s, being privy to our com plan, logistics and security. Trusted neighbors don’t even know all the details.
      There’s just too much on the table and if things went bad it would lead to a situation all would regret. I’d rather the problem never came up. I’m concerned about ‘strays’ being hauled in with the crew, ‘Sorry dad we were watching him while his parents were off for the weekend, What could we do leave him him, he’s 6 months old? ‘. That’s where the love comes in.

      I look at what I do as ‘networking’ or developing ‘associates’ of like mind. However, these folks are a long ways away from being exposed to our extended family group.

      I don’t really see any good reason to get too chatty with anyone outside of grid-down travel distances from our property outside of very causual talk. But thats me.

      All in all, recruiting for a guerrilla group is probably easier haha

      • TheSpartanMonkey permalink

        I get what you’re saying.
        For me, trust takes a long time to build. And I won’t let many folks into our tribe.
        I think of it this way: the tribe is like an onion; there are many layers you have to peel away to get to the center (inner circle of trust). The inner circle is my immediate family plus those I trust implicitly (money, life and wife..). Inner circle members have access/protocols/information/training/frith that no one in other layers gets. The next layer is extended family. The next outer layer has access to similar stuff, but less of it, and it’s different from what the inner circle gets. And so on until you get to the outer layer and those are just strangers you pass by on the street. This allows me, over time, to gradually bring someone closer to the inner circle, moving them layer by layer, without exposing the inner circle. They key is determining the criteria to use to figure out what layer is appropriate for a particular person, at a particular point in time.
        I’ve probably made it sound more complicated than it is.

      • TheSpartanMonkey permalink

        Sorry, I forgot to give an example before I clicked post.
        Tonight I was at the gym and there was a new guy. I ignored him most of the time, then decided to chat him up a bit on the way out. Turns out he’s a crab fisherman from Alaska and was actually on one of the famous boats in a TV show (or so he claimed). Right now, I don’t have plans to do much crabbing. But… his experience (and I’m sure he has more that he didn’t talk about) is so different, that it’s worthwhile to explore things further. He can start at the outer onion layer, and I can bring him in over time. If at any point something’s not right, he proceeds no further. At that point, I have not exposed the inner circle, but I can retain him for any specific skills that are useful.

    • John Rourke permalink

      The analogy of the onion is a good one and seems to be intuitive to most folks.

      I find it kind of interesting that most if not all of the ‘technical’ aspects of ‘recruiting’ as laid out in the OP traditionally self filtered though community churches :- )

      Folks of simalar moral values.
      Folks with diffent skill sets.
      A sense of community spirit and cooperation.
      A self policing, personally responsible atmosphere.
      Social challenges brought on by familiarity and human nature
      :- )

      The list could go on and on, we ‘belong’ to a small non- denominational ‘country church’ that does all those things and much more. We feel it blesses and enriches our lives. But the local ‘country/community church’ that embody those values are on the decline probably because the men and women that appreciate those values have declined. Just sayn’ haha

      The Decline of Empire is a good way to describe what most folks are concerned with IMO. It actually covers a lot of scenarios. Resistance to tyranny on a personal and community level. Maintaining family integrety and survival needs with dignity and much more.

      Its often said ‘If the only tool you have is a hammer. everything looks like a nail’. Prepper types do this a lot, some folks are all about homesteading, others the political drama and many, many are all about the shoot em up.

      It’s quite a challenge rolling all that under one roof with enough balance not to fall off the deep end haha

      • jukk0u permalink

        ^This +1. It is important to remember that we are trying to preserve decency, liberty AND community.

      • That was actually sort of the point. Maybe I need to re-write it. I spent so much of Forging the Hero talking about this very subject, that it probably runs together in my head, as I wrote the article.

      • John Rourke permalink

        Heck I think most folks that give peparedness any thought at all understand the need to stay connected. The problem is socioeconomic, the hard charger kids leave home for the military, college and get their lives underway. Which is good when the world was right, not so good when the veneer of civility gets a little tear :- )

        Currently though job loss, inflation, laziness et all has had families forting up. It’s been going on in Europe for awhile, Italy was actually giving tax break incentives to m en who moved out of their parents home haha

        All this circle the wagons talk is just talk if the wagons aren’t circled in the same place. A place that will house and logistically support your group. We all stay in good touch now easily, partial grid down or other such drama and no bueno’.

  14. alena Holloman permalink

    Well written j.m.
    Alena ,Olathe

  15. Big Mike permalink

    You’re right John. This IS the job. I’ve been working on your suggestions for building community since I started reading your first book, THE RELUCTANT PARTISAN. You have set forth a SOLID plan. I’ve developed my own method of discovering where my neighbors stand on surviving the “decline of empire”, as you describe it without exposing what I’m doing or revealing their plans to others. I’ve spoken to all my relatives and acquaintances in the neighborhood about preparing. Every single one knows things are not “looking even hopeful”. not a single one has said, “Not interested in what you speak of”. The most negative comment I’ve received is, “Your right, but I don’t want to think about it.” We are all in the same book, but not in the same chapter. I’ve been teaching people what kind of food to store and discussing security in the future. I’ve been surprised by the preparations some have made. Some are just getting started. One family just ordered a years supply of evaporated milk, and stored away 100 pounds of rice. Another family has repaired their windmill to help provide drinking water for the “neighbor hood”. If I had pursued the “Lone Ranger” method and just locked the gate, the whole community could be lost. It IS a lot of work. As soon as the ground dries out enough, I need to go plow out the grass in the widow’s (82 years old) garden, so she can have some fresh vegetables to eat and can for the future. I live it or loose it all!

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  1. Mosby: That IS The Damned Job, Dude! | Western Rifle Shooters Association
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